Support Us

Help Stonewave Taiko Keep the Rhythm Alive

At Stonewave Taiko, we believe in the transformative power of music and community. Since our inception in 2014, we’ve been dedicated to sharing the art of taiko drumming, fostering cultural appreciation, and building a vibrant, inclusive community. But we can't do it alone—we need your support to continue our journey.

Why Your Support Matters

Empowering Community and Culture:

Your donations enable us to bring the rich tradition of Japanese taiko drumming to the heart of Australian culture. Supporting our ensemble means enabling us to reach more people through performances, workshops, and community events.

Expanding Educational Programs:

With your help, we can grow our educational offerings, providing more schools and students with the opportunity to learn and appreciate taiko drumming. These programs foster creativity, teamwork, and cultural awareness among young learners.

Sustaining Artistic Excellence:

Your contributions allow us to maintain the high standards of our performances and classes. This includes bringing in renowned taiko artists for masterclasses, maintaining our equipment, and supporting our dedicated instructors.

Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusion:

We strive to make our classes and performances accessible to all, regardless of financial constraints. Your donations help us offer scholarships, subsidized programs, and special sessions for underserved communities.

How You Can Support Us

Make a Donation:

Your financial contributions, no matter the size, make a significant difference. Each donation helps support our operations, from studio maintenance to funding community outreach programs. To donate, please get in touch with us using the contact information below.

Sponsor a Program:

Corporate and individual sponsors play a critical role in supporting our educational and community programs. Sponsorship packages can be tailored to align with your commitment to cultural arts and community engagement.

Volunteer Your Time:

Join our team of dedicated volunteers. Whether it’s helping out at events, assisting in classes, or providing administrative support, your time and skills are invaluable to us.

Spread the Word:

Help us reach a wider audience by sharing our mission with your friends, family, and social media networks. Follow us on our social media channels and stay updated with our latest news and events.

Get in Touch to Donate

Ready to support Stonewave Taiko? Please get in touch with us to make a donation or discuss sponsorship opportunities. Your generosity helps keep our drums beating and our community thriving.

Contact Information:

Mahamati: 0448 248 322


We deeply appreciate your support and look forward to collaborating with you to spread the joy and rhythm of taiko drumming.

Thank You for Your Support

Your contributions make a lasting impact.

Thank you for helping us continue our mission and keep the rhythm of community, culture, and art alive.