Stonewave Taiko Fees Policy

About Stonewave Taiko

Stonewave Taiko (SWT) is a not-for-profit incorporated association run mostly by volunteers, established for the purpose of promoting Taiko and other percussion-based training and performance.

1. Annual Membership & Enrolment of SWT

  • a. New members are entitled to one free trial Taiko class, after which membership of the Association and enrolment in classes is required.
  • b. SWT membership fees must be paid before attending a 2nd Taiko class.
  • c. Individual membership of SWT is for the calendar year and costs $10 per person ($5 after 30 June). This cost will be added to your first invoice and annually thereafter.

2. SWT Term Fees

Term fees offset teaching costs, insurance, equipment purchase and maintenance, and venue hire.

  • a. The SWT term generally follows NSW school term dates.
  • b. Fees are charged by the term and will be invoiced in Week 1 of each term.
  • c. Weekly session fees will not be charged when members notify the Admin Officer of dates they are unable to attend that term. Notification must occur in Week 1.
  • d. Casual attendance attracts a 20% surcharge on the class fee (see Fee Schedule below). Casual attendance is not particularly encouraged as regular attendance is most effective for developing skills and the cohesiveness of the group, as well as ensuring Stonewave Taiko remains financially viable.
  • e. A concession rate is available to full-time students and Health Care card holders upon presentation of appropriate documentation, OR a 15% family concession is available upon application for families attending classes.
  • f. Members may attend as many beginners’ classes as they like per week for the same class fee.
  • g. Sessions missed by members due to exceptional circumstances may attract a refund or credit for the following term. Occasional absences due to sickness do not generally attract a credit; however, classes missed through illness or injury can, on application to the Admin Officer, be credited to the following term.
  • h. Elective Intensive Taiko training programs may attract additional fees.

3. Invoicing Process – Regular Attendance per Term

Term fees for regular attendance are preferred. This helps Stonewave to plan for the term and ensure that we remain financially viable.

  • a. Week before term starts – SWT Admin Officer to email training schedule and attendance costs for term (see Fee Schedule below).
  • b. Week 1 - Members to email Admin Officer with notification of dates in the term they are unable to attend classes -
  • c. Week 1 (Thursday) - Invoices are emailed to members.
  • d. Week 3 - Term fees are payable by Direct Bank Transfer to the Stonewave Taiko bank account.
  • e. In the event of financial hardship, and upon receipt of invoice, members may contact the Admin Officer to develop a mutually agreeable payment schedule.
  • f. Continued attendance is conditional on all invoices being paid in full by the due date.

4. Invoicing Process - Casual Attendance

Casual attendance is available to those who are unable to attend classes on a regular basis.

  • a. Week before term starts - SWT Admin Officer will email the training schedule and attendance costs (including fees for casual attendance).
  • b. Week 1 - Members who will be attending on a casual basis will notify Admin Officer.
  • c. Admin Officer will invoice at the end of the term.
  • d. Payment is by Direct Bank Transfer to SWT. No cash payments.

NB: Invoicing at the end of term for only those classes attended is only available at the casual rate ($27/$22). The regular rate ($22/$17) is only available for those who pre-pay for the term.

5. Jam Sessions

  • a. Jam sessions on periodic Saturday afternoons are charged at $10 per session (cash on the day).

Fee Schedule

  • Regular, weekly attendance: $22 (adult)/$17 (child or conc.) per session
  • Casual attendance: $27 (adult)/$22 (child or conc.) per session
  • Zoom classes: $12 (adult)/$8 (conc.) per session

Correct as of 19 January 2023.