Stonewave Taiko | Taiko, Tea & Chat

Stonewave Taiko invites you to experience the joy and rhythm of playing our big Japanese drums (taiko) at one of our Taiko, Tea & Chat sessions!
This program is for 4 sessions (2 in Tathra, 2 in Eden) delivering gentle exercise and Japanese taiko drumming, followed by a cuppa, a piece of cake & a chat amongst friends and new acquaintances. These sessions are geared to mature-aged individuals and groups, with the emphasis on having fun and improving mental and physical health. A fun way to spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon in August and September! Come to one session, come to all four sessions! This project is FREE thanks to an Australia Post grant.
  • Sunday 25 August 2-4 at Tathra Lifesaving Club (on the beach)
  • Saturday 7 September 2-4pm at Eden Marine High School
  • Saturday 21 September 2-4pm at Eden Marine High School
  • Sunday 22 September 2-4 at Tathra Lifesaving Club (on the beach)
If you would like more information or to book for one of our sessions, please go to: or call our Admin Officer, Mahamati on 0448 248 322.
I hope to see you there,
Admin Officer
Stonewave Taiko